Catalina said, "If Prince Alan has a THAAD, is prince alan an American  in his past life?"



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Maria says with her blond hair shaking and tears in her blue eyes, " Thank you for accompanying me I haven't mastered the family skill."



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In this otome game, Romance Campus, The princes get angry easily. The princess, Catarina Ascort, however, can deal with all of them perfectly, not by fighting of course

After a fever, Alan woke up and remembered the princes get angry. Can Maria Ascort handle the princes, or does she have to ask her sister Princess Catalina for help? Both have high EQs. After some thought, Sophia asks her older sister to calm Adam Stuart, Alan's older borther. Adam Stuart said "You!" and is about to punch Alan. When Catalina says stop, however, he stops because of her ability, Absolute Persuasion.


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Twenty muscular martial artists entered the school grounds. The guard shakily asks, what are you here for? "We're here to deal with the murderer on campus. The police are way too slow for our satisfaction.


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why does the New York times use a such a negative phrase like spookily to describe people living a normal life?

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after the murder in NCKU, if Blackwater sent their top 20 employees would students be safer?

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Sakura Ayane's nickname is Ayaneru. She cooks well, though most of us don't get to taste her food


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佐倉としたい大西~渋谷であなたとしたいバレンタイン(昼の部) - niconico動畫 (


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